Saturday 7 September 2013

Lessons from a 16 year old

Life often puts you across some situations, you never liked to be in, but still if you get through the experience you become stronger and sometimes even wise. Now you all must be wondering what actually I want to convey to you, right? Ok then, not wasting much time, I'll get to the point. Today, I want to share something with you guys, a story, no not a romantic one, but an inspiring as well as a touchy story.

Last Friday, I went to a shop to buy some clothes for myself. The shop was widespread over 2,000 sq ft which contained various departments from small kids clothes to formals,wedding dress and various other departments. Being Friday afternoon, the crowd was very thin in numbers. I usually prefer such afternoons, so that I can shop peacefully, avoiding the bustling crowds and the incessant chatter.

 Hovering through various corners of the shop, I found a boy standing who was guiding the customers and showing them the best clothes to select from. The boy was short, with a big paunch and an unusual swollen right hand. I walked towards him after he was done with his customers and started a casual conversation. I found that he stayed in a chawl with his family and was a matriculate. When I asked him the reason for not continuing his further studies, he said he was suffering from kidney failure and hence had to backout. He has to go on dialysis every week, he further added. Though shocked and horrified at the answer, I asked him how difficult it was for him to continue with his life.  He smiled and quietly replied that he is taking life as it is coming to him. He said all this in a quick succession without a hint of slightest pain on his face. We often complain of life being unfair to us, but tell me do we ever thank god for what we have? I'll sign off with one of my favorite quotes, “Man only likes to count his troubles; he doesn't calculate his happiness.”